Is freedom of speech necessary in a free society? Sample Essays

Society enables people to think in a broader way, it teaches us to be concerned about our fellow beings. Why this happens, is because, the society she lives in, has pressed the fact from ages that the vermillion on the head is a must for married woman. Experienced IELTS prep trainer and education management industry veteran. Specializes in public speaking, international education, market research, mentoring, and management. Most developed countries like Europe and USA have laws that guarantee and safeguard the safety and equality of all their citizens regardless of colour, caste or gender. One must clearly state their opinion while answering different parts of the task. However, one must highlight their position in their introduction.

essay on our society

We have to be tolerant towards all kinds of people from all walks of life. We have to learn to take care of the old, society allows us to be respectful and caring towards our elders. We all love little children, we have to be patient towards them. From where does this concern for an unknown child spring from? The answer is, we have a certain caring tendency towards the child that comes naturally to us. Our society around us teaches us to care for people around us.

Why social media is important short Social media essay?

There are many people who only complain, rather than working for it. Students should change this ideology and strive to work for the betterment of society. Evil and wrongdoings of the authorities cannot be weeded out unless people can freely express their agitation against this.


The youth has the right motivation and the drive to achieve unimaginable things. That is why, when they become goal-oriented, they can easily find their true calling, become powerful and successful, and help other people. The youth of a nation symbolizes the drive and will to do more and that is why everything that the youth of a country upvotes attracts r ashok contact number attention. The motivation and hunger for success is something that cannot be explained but this is exactly what makes youth so special and important. National development is now in the hands of the young generation. The older generation has passed on the baton to the youth. The young generation has more concurrent dreams, passion and hope.

Additionally, it improves ties to the people you love. Social internet has eliminated the barrier of distance. For instance, communicating with friends and family who live abroad is simple. There are many benefits to social media when we consider its good side. The most crucial one is a fantastic educational tool. Anyone can access any information they need with a single click.